Only the best qualified trainers work in Body Up. Most of them are certified physiotherapists and certified EMS trainers. They completed training in electrostimulation at the most prestigious German training institute – Glucker Kolleg. Professional, willing to help, always smiling.
BodyUp Owner, EMS Trainer – Bodyup
Klaudia is a certified dietitian and pharmacist, as well as a passionate advocate of EMS training, who shares her knowledge with her clients with great dedication.
Full of energy and perfectionism, she constantly strives for the highest standards. Her professionalism and openness make her someone you can always rely on.
Beyond her work, Klaudia is an avid traveler, finding inspiration in every journey. Each new place she discovers helps her broaden her horizons and draw insights for both her professional and personal life. Fascinated by design, she pays close attention to aesthetics and functionality in everything she does – from interior design to creating innovative solutions in EMS training.
EMS Trainer, General Manager – Bodyup
Always smiling, full of energy, constantly moving. As a trainer he passionately transmits knowledge and positive energy.
Outside the studio, you can meet him on the dance floor, where he pursues his passions which are dance and acrobatics.
Physiotherapist, EMS Trainer – Bodyup
A graduate of the Academy of Physical Education in Cracow, majoring in physiotherapy. Kettlebell instructor.
He is an open and energetic person with a positive attitude towards life. From an early age he was associated with sports, especially martial arts. In his free time he trains boxing and street workout.
He pays great attention to physical fitness, which is why he constantly tries to educate himself and expand his knowledge in this field.
Z wykształcenia magister fizjoterapii. W pracy trenera EMS wykorzystuje wiedzę o anatomii i biomechanice ludzkiego ciała, by skutecznie oraz w pełni bezpiecznie spełniać cele swoich podopiecznych.
Ceni sobie rozwój osobisty – zarówno fizyczny, jak i psychiczny. Ciągle poszerza horyzonty poprzez książki, szkolenia i rozmowy, a dzięki temu w życiu oraz swojej pracy staje się coraz lepszy.
Entuzjasta zdrowego stylu życia. Dużo jeździ na rowerze, pływa, w zimie jeździ na łyżwach. Praktykuje również jogę, a ponadto interesuje się dietetyką. W wolnym czasie zwiedza świat, poznaje nowych ludzi i gra na gitarze.
EMS Trainer, Physiotherapist – Bodyup
Master of Physiotherapy, EMS trainer. Always open and empathetic. Working with another person gives her the greatest satisfaction.
Aneta puts a lot of emphasis on the correct technique of performed exercises and proper breathing. During training, it is also very important for her to have a conscious sens of body. As a physiotherapist she uses, among others deep tissue massage techniques and manual therapy.
Pole dance is her greatest passion, and in her free time she loves to prepare healthy meals and plan long journeys.
EMS Trainer – Bodyup
physiotherapy student and certified Personal Trainer. Empathetic and always willing to help clients achieve their dream physique and improve their health, open to all their requests.
Personally, a fan of football, team sports, and good movies. In his free time, he stays active and enjoys exploring new places.
Ambitiously striving towards his goals, he continuously expands his knowledge.
EMS Trainer, Physiotherapist, Manager – Bodyup
Master of Physiotherapy, a graduate of the Jagiellonian University Collegium Medicum in Kraków.
Open-minded, cheerful, and always ready to help.
His passion for physical culture, which he has been developing since a young age, serves as the foundation for his creative approach to training. With completed diagnostic and manual therapy courses in physiotherapy, he is able to select the most effective methods and tools for working with patients.
EMS Trainer – Bodyup
A physiotherapy student and certified personal trainer. Full of energy and open to new challenges.
Always willing to help and listen.
A passionate enthusiast of martial arts and endurance sports. He also eagerly dedicates time to learning about a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition.
With determination, he strives to achieve his goals, continuously developing himself in every aspect.
EMS Trainer – Bodyup
A physiotherapy student, open-minded, full of smiles, and always ready to support her clients in achieving their goals.
Her passion for working with the human body constantly motivates her to deepen her knowledge and refine her skills in the field of physiotherapy.
In her free time, she loves traveling, discovering new places and cultures, which continuously enriches her experiences and inspires further growth.
EMS Trainer – Bodyup
A physical education student and certified personal trainer. Open and supportive, always ready to help clients achieve their goals, effortlessly creating a comfortable training atmosphere.
A passionate strength sports and automotive enthusiast who actively spends his free time focusing on his physical development.
As a trainer, he takes an individualized approach to each client, prioritizing motivation and support during challenging moments, helping them break barriers and achieve better results.
He continuously develops his skills and expands his knowledge, ambitiously striving to reach his goals.
Take care of your health, physique, and fitness by training
under the guidance of a certified trainer.
Book your introductory training session now 50% OFF!
Body Up
Bandurskiego 48, Krakow
Body Up
Radzikowskiego 16, Krakow
Body Up
Bunscha 15, Krakow
Mon – Fr 7AM – 10PM
Saturday 8AM – 4PM
Phone no. +48 884 939 931
Phone no. +48 577 939 931
Phone no. +48 575 939 930