Only the best qualified trainers work in Body Up. Most of them are certified physiotherapists and certified EMS trainers. They completed training in electrostimulation at the most prestigious German training institute – Glucker Kolleg. Professional, willing to help, always smiling.


BodyUp Owner, EMS Trainer  – Bodyup

Klaudia is a certified nutritionist and pharmacist, as well as a passionate EMS trainer who is eager to share her knowledge with her clients. Full of energy and perfectionism, she constantly strives for the highest standards. You can always count on her professionalism and openness.

Outside of work, Klaudia’s passion for travel is a source of inspiration. Each new place she discovers allows her to broaden her horizons and be inspired in both her professional and personal life. Fascinated by design, she pays attention to aesthetics and functionality in everything she does, from interior design to creating modern solutions in EMS training.


Trener EMS  – Bodyup

Dyplomowana fizjoterapeutka i certyfikowana trenerka EMS. Do każdego podopiecznego podchodzi z empatią. Wysłucha, wyjaśni i zaopiekuje się nowicjuszem. Prowadzi zajęcia z pełnym zaangażowaniem. Motywuje, pomaga i wspiera. W wolnych chwilach uprawia pływanie i wędrówki po górach.


EMS Trainer, Manager  – Bodyup  

Always smiling, full of energy, constantly moving. As a trainer he passionately transmits knowledge and positive energy. Outside the studio, you can meet him on the dance floor, where he pursues his passions which are dance and acrobatics.


Trener EMS – Bodyup

Tytuł magistra zdobyła na Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego w Krakowie, natomiast umiejętności praktyczne i teoretyczne z zakresu studiów licencjackich na Uniwersytecie Medycznym w Łodzi. Praca z ludzkim ciałem to jej pasja. Wie jak ważny jest ruch dla ludzkiego organizmu, dlatego też podjęła pracę w Bodyup. Jest pewna, że EMS jest świetnym rozwiązaniem dla każdego, bo przede wszystkim jest bezpieczny! Kamila jest również terapeutą manualnym, dlatego możesz być pewny, że Twój kręgosłup jest w dobrych rękach! W swojej pracy wykorzystuje praktyczną wiedzę zdobytą na specjalistycznych kursach.  

W wolnym czasie zabiera swojego psa i biega po krakowskich parkach! Uwielbia podróżować po nieprzetartych szlakach i poznawać inspirujących ludzi!

Piotr Jaworski – ZnanyLekarz.pl


EMS Trainer, Physiotherapist  – Bodyup  

A graduate of the Academy of Physical Education in Cracow, majoring in physiotherapy. Kettlebell instructor.

He is an open and energetic person with a positive attitude towards life. From an early age he was associated with sports, especially martial arts. In his free time he trains boxing and street workout.

He pays great attention to physical fitness, which is why he constantly tries to educate himself and expand his knowledge in this field.


Trener EMS  – Bodyup

Zawsze uśmiechnięta i pełna energii. W pracy z klientami wykazuje się dużą otwartością oraz empatią. Poza pracą trenera można zobaczyć Ją na scenie, gdyż taniec to Jej ogromna pasja, którą rozwija od dzieciństwa.

Patryk Biliński – ZnanyLekarz.pl


EMS Trainer, Physiotherapist  – Bodyup  

Master of Physiotherapy. In the work as an EMS trainer, he uses the knowledge of the anatomy and biomechanics of the human body to effectively and safely help his clients achieve their goals.

He values ​​personal development – both physical and mental. He constantly broadens his horizons through books, trainings and conversations, and thanks to this, he becomes better and better in life and his work.

An enthusiast of a healthy lifestyle. He rides a bike, swims, and skates a lot in winter. He practices yoga and is also interested in dietetics. In his spare time, he travels the world, meets new people and plays the guitar.

Aneta Domańska – ZnanyLekarz.pl


Development manager, EMS Trainer, Physiotherapist  – Bodyup  

Master of Physiotherapy, EMS trainer. Always open and empathetic. Working with another person gives her the greatest satisfaction.

Aneta puts a lot of emphasis on the correct technique of performed exercises and proper breathing. During training, it is also very important for her to have a conscious sens of body. As a physiotherapist she uses, among others deep tissue massage techniques and manual therapy.

Pole dance is her greatest passion, and in her free time she loves to prepare healthy meals and plan long journeys.


EMS Trainer, Physiotherapist  – Bodyup  

Always open, smiling and ready for new challenges! He has been involved in sports from an early age, thanks to which he has excellent body awareness.

Master of Physiotherapy, still learning. Hee broadens his competences by participating in numerous courses and reading books and scientific journals.

In his free time he conducts sauna ceremonies as a sauna master.


EMS Trainer – Bodyup  

Physiotherapy student and certified personal trainer. Empathetic and always eager to help you achieve your dream figure and improve your health, open to all kinds of client requests.

Personally a fan of football, team sports and a good movie. In his free time, he actively spends time moving and exploring new places.

Ambitiously pursues his goals, constantly expanding his knowledge.

Filip Włodarczyk – ZnanyLekarz.pl


EMS Trainer, Physiotherapist – Bodyup  

Master in Physiotherapy, graduate of the Collegium Medicum of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. 

Open, smiling and always ready to help.

His passion for physical culture, which he has developed since his youth, is the basis for his creative approach to training. The diagnostic and manual courses he has completed in the field of physiotherapy allow him to select the most effective methods and tools when working with patients.


EMS Trainer – Bodyup  

Student of physiotherapy, certified personal trainer. Full of energy and open to new challenges. Always ready to help and listen. 

Passionate about martial arts and endurance sports. Also willing to devote time to educating others about healthy lifestyles and proper nutrition.

Determined to pursue his goals and continue to grow at every level.


EMS Trainer – Bodyup  

A student of physiotherapy, she is an outgoing person, always joyful and ready to help you achieve your goals.

Her love of working with the human body constantly motivates her to explore knowledge and improve her skills in the field of physical therapy.

In her free time, she is passionate about traveling and discovering new places and cultures, which constantly enriches her experience and inspires her to grow.

Sign up for your first EMS training

contact us

Body Up
Bandurskiego 48, Cracow

Body Up
Radzikowskiego 16, Cracow

Body Up
Bunscha 15, Cracow

Mon – Fri  7 AM – 10 PM
Saturday  8 AM – 4 PM


E: [email protected]

Cell: +48 884 939 931

Cell: +48 577 939 931

Cell: +48 575 939 930

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